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tv   Through the Decades  CBS  January 13, 2016 11:00pm-12:00am MST

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on me. zoom in on the window, enhance! >> but you can't see anybody! >> stephen: i'm sorry, we're going to have to take your word for cant. >> there was nobody near me. >> stephen: this is not a book the etiquette by any chance? >> no, i don't know what i was reading. >> stephen: you know what, i do believe you? >> thank you. >> stephen: people like paul giamatti. because you seem like an average guy. ( cheers and applause ) and you seem like a very average, relatable guy. i loved you "john adams" for which you won the emmy. >> thank you. >> stephen: did john adams seem like a kind of guy you could get to know? >> i don't know. he's a pretty angry guy. >> stephen: really? >> sees he's a difficult, spiky, abrasive guy. i have to play a lot of guys like that. >> stephen: you do. >> i don't know why. ( laughter ) what the hell is that all about! >> stephen: that is why? that is why. still, adams seems more relatable than someone like jefferson. >> for sure.
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like-- i'm not going to go to monticello. might get-- you know, might get freaky while there. >> totally. >> >> stephen: i'm not into that scene. >> the weird inventions. >> stephen: and in this show "billions," you play a federal prosecutor-- >> very relatable people. >> stephen: what's his name? >> chuck roads. >> stephen: chuck roads? >> chuck roads. sounds like an ice cream flavor. >> stephen: it does. chuck roads. that's his name. >> stephen: but what you can relate to what, a lot of people can relate to is wanting to stick to a billionaire. >> yes. >> stephen: especially after the financial collapse of 2008, we're all kind of suspicious of billionaires, right? >> yes. >> stephen: at least wall street billionaires? >> yes. i mean, for sure, but the crooked ones are the problem. i mean, i don't know-- i-- it's a question of whether money is evil to begin with. but, i mean, having it i don't think -- >> it's just the root of all evil. it's not evil itself. >> that's right. it's simply the cause. >> stephen: some of my best friends are billionaires. >> is that right.
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they don't know it yet. we had damien on last week and i pointed out everyone in america works for, like, one of 12 billionaires. >> that's true, pretty much. >> stephen: are you the hero of this, or is the billionaire the hero of this? >> i would think the show is kind of unsparing of both sides. >> stephen: really? >> yeah. and i like to think i'm the hero. i don't know whether i'm actually all that heroic in it. but, you know, ultimately, the other guy is breaking the law. it's not like anybody in the federal government has ever broken any laws. >> stephen: uh-huh... ( laughter ) one interesting thing about whether or not you're a good guy or a bad guy is that i like to be prepared when i meet my guests. i like to know something about the project they're doing. >> okay. >> stephen: i like you, i like damien. i like the whole idea. so over the christmas break i was sitting around with my wife and kids and i said, "let's watch "billions"." so i put it in the little machine, and the very opening scene is you, like, hogtied with a ball gag and a dominatrix.
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>> she puts out a cigarette -- >> i didn't get that far. >> really? >> stephen: let's go get some ice cream, kids. let's go outside. or fight with machetes. anything other than watch the rest of this. >> i'm sorry to hear that. >> stephen: really? >> yes. you missed a teachable moment with your family there. you missed a very. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: kids-- >> you missed a teachable -- >> kids, it's-- >> it's very important. >> stephen: kids, have a safe word. have a safe word. perhaps "take all my land." >> that's a handy one. >> stephen: safe word to have. >> very good. >> stephen: i just said he's apple. ( laughter ) >> absolutely! >> stephen: so your character has a dark side. >> he has an alternative side. necessarily. >> stephen: having a cigarette put out on your chest isn't >> not to some people.
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not excited to do it. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: how deeply. ( cheers and applause ) how deeply did you get into character? >> i was-- i was game. >> stephen: sure, sure. >> no, it was really interesting. -- >> i would hope so. >> yes, they did. to tie me up. i never saw this guy on the set again, just this one time. and he was really trussing me up, and he was dead serious about it. he was really like, "they gotta go two times around the back of the thigh and the buttocks." and i was like, "who the hell is this guy?" and they got me genuinely trussed up. it was one of those things, the more you move the tighter is gets. it was one of those things. and it was extraordinary because my reaction to it was really surprising. i fell asleep. ( laughter ) >> stephen: that is not what i expected you to say. >> i had a warm washing feeling go over me.
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just... they had to keep-- they had to keep waking me up between takes. "hey, buddy. hey, hey, we're going to shoot, buddy." >> stephen: she's putting a cigarette out on your chest. it's rude not to pay taingz. >> it was crazy. it was the weirdest reaction. i didn't expect that. >> stephen: no, i didn't either. so-- and what episode are we on right now in "billions"? >> we're done with it. >> stephen: are we done? >> i'm done. >> stephen: on tv, we don't know yet. >> it hasn't even started yet. >> stephen: oh, you sent me a copy. ( laughter ) ( applause ) i'm sorry. i forgot. i'm in show business! >> well, that's right. that was a really weird time slip. >> stephen: i have a cold i want to thank you for being here. welcome to the lifestyle. >> okay. >> stephen: and call a brother up next time. it's better than sleeping pills it sounds like. >> absolutely. no question about it. >> stephen: a pleasure, paul giamatti, lovely to see you
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"billions" premieres on showtime this sunday at 10 p.m. it's got-- paul giamatti, everybody. we'll be right back.
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yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm, at three in the morning? who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from
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uh, khakis. she sounds hideous. well, she's a guy so... another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. indulgence... no longer comes at a price. well, actually it does... but it's just $9.99 new hot shot whisky chicken applebee's grill & bar favorites made a little better for you. featuring new dishes loaded with flavor,
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,,,,,,,, ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. now, everyone is talking about last night's state of the union where obama stood before america and laid out his vision for but he's not the only one with a platform to change the world. as a late-night talk show host, i wield tremendous power. not to brag, but i get 15% off everything at the cbs gift shop. yes, even "big bang theory" belts.
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the show, in belt form! ( laughter ) but even my awesome power pales in comparison to the great despots of history: genghis khan. muammar qaddafi. ashton kutcher. ( laughter ) bow down before his boyish charm, lest his henchmen drag you out to the punking fields. these merciless tyrants have but two things in common: one, demanding total obedience. and, two, a big furry hat! ( applause ) ( cheers and applause ) now that this hat is upon my
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unquestionable power! this is due to my hat's two main attributes: its bigness and its furriness. request and all prochandlations i make while wearing the hat-- i did not make a mistake just now! are now and forever law. let us begin. ( cheers and applause ) henceforth, if someone rejects you on tinder, they must write a three-page essay about what makes them so damn special. ( laughter ) ( applause ) from now on, any telemarketer who calls you during dinner must stay on the phone and listen to you eat. ( applause ) people who brew beer in their homes may no longer call it beer. they must call their product "sour foamy bucket drink."
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( applause ) if your carry-on luggage is too big to fit in the overhead compartment, you will be placed under the seat in front of you. ( laughter ) ( applause ) henceforth, there shall be no more scenes after the credits. if it wasn't good enough to be in the movie, it's not good enough for me to wait around for. ( applause ) i don't care what thor is doing next. ( laughter ) one day a year, mcdonalds must serve authentic scottish cuisine. ( applause ) sbarros and arby's will be combined into one restaurant, known as s'barbys.
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60 is the new 50. 70 is the new 60. and dead is the new 80. ( laughter ) ( applause ) the extra day in every leap year must be spent leaping. math is too hard. from now on, the answer is seven. ( cheers and applause ) henceforth, two wrongs do make a right, three wrongs make a left, and ten wrongs get you a free sub. ( applause ) anyone using the phrase "awesome sauce" will be pureed. ( laughter ) ( applause ) the hat has spoken! we'll be right back with the guerrilla girls.
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woman: i' ll never remember all the projects, presentations, my nights for. (music' s drums intensify) ll never forget. get out there, in the 2016 ford escape. be unstoppable. this is my fight song take back my life song (music) under starry skies above. don't fence me in. let me fly any time, any airline that i love, don't fence me in. give me a mile and a half for every buck i spend. double my miles when the first year ends. no annual fees, no blackouts, let the fun begin. don't fence me in. get the discover it miles card. boom. told ya. hey know it alls, you're welcome.
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,,,,,,,, ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: welcome back, once again to "the late show"." my next guests are a group of anonymous, feminist art activists. please welcome the guerrilla girls, everybody. ( applause ) thank you all for being here. i feel terrible. i don't have any candy left. ( laughter ) who are you and how long have
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what are the guerilla girls? >> we're the guerilla girls. in 1985, we were baby artists -- some of us were baby artists. and we looked around and we saw that all the opportunities and almost all the money in the art world was going to white males. and no one really cared about it, so we decided we would put up some provocative posters on the street and get people to talk about them. >> stephen: here is one of them right here. do women have to be naked to get into the met museum? it said only 5% of the exhibition-- ( applause ) it says that only 5% of the artists in the modern art sections are women but 85% of the news are female. why is important to protest to get more women into an art museum? why choose art as a place for feminism, when i go to an art museum, i-- i don't know a lot about art, but i know what's in the museum. and i don't necessarily know whether the person painting is a male or a female.
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identified? >> well, i mean, every decision, aesthetic decision, has a value behind it. and if all the decisions are being made by the same people, then, you know, the art will never look like the whole of our culture. and right now, the art world is kind of run by, you know, billionaire art collectors who buy art that appeal to their values. and we say art should look like the rest of our culture, you know, unless all the voices of our culture are in the history of art, it's not really history of art. it's a history of power. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: you've been doing this-- you've been doing this for 30 years now. and i imagine it's getting fairly steamy in those masks at this point. ( laughter ) why did you choose gorilla? is it because-- is it dehumanizing or because they're
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>> well, first, we were freedom fighter gorillas, and then we got some press requests and we wanted to have our pictures but we were anonymous. we wanted to hide ourselves. so one of our early members was a really bad speller, and we were sitting at a meeting one day, and she spelled getty gorilla. >> stephen: so originally it was guerilla like guerilla fighter, and she misspelled it like the animal, and you went with it? >> well, it was a message from heaven. >> stephen: have you guys ever been found out? >> that's a rel good question. >> stephen: thank you. >> people have tried to find out who we are, but this whole anonymity thing is so delicious, and it's weird in one way because you don't know who we are, but it attracts attention to our cause. so while people do try to find out, they're almost always wrong.
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that history is written by the winners. and history has been described as a record of violence. is the art world also a record of violence in and of itself? >> yes. >> stephen: okay. how so? ( laughter ) it's my metaphor, but explain it to me. ( laughter ). >> for years, kings and queens told us what art was all about. we don't live -- >> pictures of them. it was pictures of them a lot. >> mostly, yes. so now, you know, we aspire to, you know, a demdemocratic society, and art should be about the culture, all of us. it should be about art production. right? >> stephen: in 1985, the guggenheim had zero solo shows by women artists. the metropolitan had zero. the whitney had zero. and the modern had one. okay. 30 years later, the guggenheim
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one, the whitney had one, and the modern had two. >> yeah. and that's the progress we've made in 30 years. >> stephen: 30 years. >> and that's the whole problem because i think a lot of people thought that it was an issue in the 70s and the 80s and then it got solved, but it hasn't. we're still seeing such terrible numbers, which is why, sadly, we need to keep doing this. >> stephen: is the art world, like, more important than other aspects of-- for feminism, or is it merely your focus? there are other things you could protest. you could protest women there is not a lot of representation in congress. there is not a lot of representation in the tech world, in the matador world. ( laughter ) on late night tv. >> yes, yes! >> stephen: there's not a lot. why choose art? >> well, we were artists-- we are artists. world. but very quickly, what we did was invent this way of using facts and humor to twist an issue around and present it in a different way that might change
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so we have spread out to politics, film. >> stephen: a lot of the art museums are supported by billionaire donors. do they make the call of what goes into the museums? >> okay, today, more and more, billionaire collectors and billionaire art dealers, a few of them control the art world. they sit on the boards of museums, and they have to pay collect. and they're much more likely to give money for art that they already have. and most of them have the same cookie cutter collections of art that costs the most. there are so many great artists out there. there's too much discrimination. ( applause ). >> stephen: well, the guerilla girls are taking over the twin cities starting january 18. the guerilla girls, everybody. thank you so much for being here. ( cheers and applause )
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right now. >> you're good! you're good! ultimately, only history will tell where j.b. falls amongst the great, but you have to be great to do something like that. he looked so happy to be off that bull. please welcome j.b. mauney. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> stephen: now, i have to wear a cup to even watch that. ( laughter ) all right. let me ask you something-- when you get on the bull, do you know what kind of ride you're in for still in the chute? >> sometimes. some don't stand very good at all. >> stephen: now, is it by the bull's reputation? is there a bull every year on the circuit where you go, "i don't want to get on that bull." or, "i really want to get on
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>> i want to get on all of them. some guys might be scared of them, but some stand a little better in the chute than others. >> stephen: how did this sport start? did somebody just look at a mad, wild animal and said, "hey, you know what would be fun? watching you get on it?" ( laughter ). >> i've always wondered who come up with the idea of wanting to ride a bull in the first place. i'm not really sure, but i'm glad he did. >> stephen: now, you are the biggest cash winning western sports athlete of all time. you won almost $7 million last year. ( cheers and applause ) what did-- what-- what did the bull win? ( laughter ). >> stephen: do they get to go out to stud? >> yeah. the really good ones -- >> do you go out to stud? >> depends on what night it is. long is the average ride? >> eight seconds. >> stephen: eight seconds! so what do you do with the rest ( laughter ).
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whatever i want to do? this? >> i got on practice bulls every day when i was younger. >> stephen: really? like behind us here we have a mechanical bull, like a >> real. had a pasture right beside my house, and every day i'd get on five or six bulls a day. >> stephen: what was in the bronx. when was your house? >> in north carolina. >> stephen: can i ask about that? why do you have to keep roping the calfs? why don't you put them some place where they kane get out? why don't you get one of those invisible fences. >> i have no idea. >> stephen: could you show us how it's done? >> i guess i could try. >> stephen: he's going to give us a little taste right here, ladies and gentlemen.
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( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: when it's in the rodeo, do they speed up the footage? why is this-- oh, i see. oh, it's getting serious. all right, there we go. there we go. here we are! that's it! get it! ( cheers and applause ) wow. just think-- just think how many ski ball tickets he just won at a chuck e. cheese. j.b. mauney. ladies and gentlemen. the "p.b.r. monster energy buck-off" is at madison square
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we'll be right back.
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,,,,,,,, >> stephen: that's it for "the late show!" tune in tomorrow, when my guests will be actor oliva munn, actor t.j. miller, and a m captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by what i really don't tell me what you want what you really really want i'll tell you what you want, what you really, really, ral
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want, what you really, really want >> reggie: are you ready to have some fun feel the love tonight don't you worry 'bout your hang-ups and fears 'bout to set you right it's the late, late show >> ladies and gentlemen, all the way from wisconsin, give it up for your host, the one, the only, james corden! (cheers and applause) >> james: all right, good evening, welcome, to this, the "late, late show." thank you for staining up for us! bless you, you're too kind. you are too kind, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for being here.
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huge news for the city of los angeles, because after 21 years, the city is finally getting a football team. (cheers and applause). >> james: the rams are moving back to l.a so finally another thing for the people of los angeles to pretend to care about. (laughter) now almost to the day i have year. and in that time los angeles has regained an nfl team, it started raining again after three years of drawt, and they opened the city's first dunkin' do nults, now look i can't take credit for all of those, but i'm definitely taking credit for that dunkin' donuts. that was all me. (applause) but the los angeles rams now fall into a long line of mascots that don't really match their location.
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there is no jazz in utah, and orlando hasn't had actual magic since o-town broke up. it's a fact, a fact. but you know, football is paryk's game but l.a. is not a typical american city. like the rams are already adjusting to l.a. life. like they're now going to call tryouts auditions. and ask you to bring a head shot with you when you come. so like todd gu rley reading for one. now every rams game is going to start with a two-hour red carpet. oh, you look great, i love the helmet. who are you wearing? i don't-- i think it's niek. but-- nike. but let's be honest, they won't even be a football team. they will justing "the real rams of beverly hills." but look, regardless of how they got here, the fact is that l.a.
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(cheers and applause) is so why don't we meet our new quarterback, his name is mr. nick foles. there is-- he is going to fit right in here. he looks like he's straight out of a hollywood movie, doesn't he? it's if that movie is "napoleon dynamite." (applause) all right, reg, you ready to do this? we'll begin, he's reggie wattsk i'm james corden, and this, this be the "late, late show." roll the titles. captioning sponsored by cbs the late, late show, oh, oh the late, late show, ooh the late, late show, oh, oh the late, late show oh, oh the late, late show
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look at this guy, do what you just did there-- feels a lot more silly when do you it on your own. in the crowd, you felt cool. but people get here, they think it's quite cool, yeah, get to be on-- oh, i don't get a seat, okay, i have to stand for the whole show. not good news. should we have a look and see who our guests are on the show tonight? (cheers and applause). >> james: in the red room, an emmy-award-winning actress, you know her from "ugly bete" an "sisterhood of the traveling pants," the lovely, the beautiful, america ferrera is here tonight. (cheers and applause) hey, america, how are you? >> hi, james, i'm good. >> james: so nice to see you. >> i'm glad to be here. >> james: what a dress, i love this dress. >> thank you. >> james: it's an absolute triumph. >> thank you. >> james: i love it. hey, did everyone see the golden globes on the weekend. america was so funny. you were so funny on the golden globes. she has a very funny new show
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thanks for being here, america ferrera, everybody. (cheers and applause). >> james: in the blue room tonight, how lucky we are to have an academy award-winning actor, writer, director, you know him from the "the shawshank redemption," "dead man walking," "miss particular river" and countless other incredible shows and plays. we are fans, aren't we, reg. we love the guy, you do too, mr. tim robbins. hey, tim, how are you? >> good, good. >> james: whoa. >> i will see you out there. >> james: what's happening back there? >> nothing, nothing. >> it's all right. >> james: it looks dodgy. hollywood. mr. hollywood. you. (cheers and applause) and ntd orange room, we are such fans of this guy, you know him
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family" w the "pitch perfect" movies, he is always charming, mr. adam devine is here. (cheers and applause) >> i didn't expect you there. >> james: how are you, adam, are you good? >> yeah, i'm good. you terrified me, bud. >> james: i'm sorry, i'm sorry, were you not expecting the noise? >> no, i'm just a really good actor. i fooled you. i knew you were there. >> james: oh, psych, thank you for being here, adam devine, everybody. (cheers and applause) swrz we have a big show tonight, ladies and gentlemen. you don't want to go anywhere, because right after this commercial break it's carpool karaoke with adele.
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the more you move the more you sweat degree's motionsense technology keeps you fresh with every move. it has unique microcapsules that contain fragrances. friction breaks the capsules... ...releasing bursts of freshness all day. whether you're meeting a deadline... ...grabbing a bite... ...or heading out for the night. motionsense, protection to keep you moving. degree, it won't let you down. cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner, but will it get people clean enough to go commando? did you just wipe your bum? well, i sure did. did you notice anything about the texture? it's very...functionally efficient. this is the equivalent of your muscles. it just gets a hold
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yeah. nothing's left behind. nothing. are you clean enough to go commando? (laughs) are you serious? totally. okay okay how do you feel? oh my goodness, it's amazing. only cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go commando. it's not about hugging trees. it's not about being wasteful either. you just gotta find that balance. where taking care of yourself takes care of more than just yourself. lease a 2016 lincoln mkz for $289 a month only at your lincoln dealer. if you could see your cough, it's just a cough. you'd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. new robitussin 12 hour powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. new robitussin 12 hour cough relief.
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,,,, (cheers and applause). >> james: welcome back. now i was back in london for the holidaysment an honestly, i missed having company in my car when i was driving around.
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this is carpool karaoke. hello? it's me. i was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet. just have a drive around. hello? hello from the outside. all right, see you in a minute. great. >> hello. (cheers and applause). >> james: oh, thank you. i appreciate it it's going to be fun. >> great. >> james: you are looking fine right now. >> thank you very much, james. >> james: loving this bob. >> oh, thanks, thanks, very much. >> james: a triumph. >> don't i look like a mum. >> james: i don't think so. it is more manageable. >> it dries quickly. >> james: than the life, you know. >> i am going to use my hairline. i can't work out if i should wear a wig wig or have a weave. >> james: i mean, what i like
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this advice. (laughter). >> james: do you mind if we listen to music. >> yes, it's such a shame it's rainingment i feel like americas are going to assume that england is rubbish. >> james: hello dheers plaws toat i'm in california dreaming of about who we used to be it's no secret that the both of us are running out of time . >> that was amazing. so hello from the outside at least i can see that i'm trying to tell you i'm sorry for breaking your heart but it's clearly doesn't tear you
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any more any more any more no come on >> james: you playing the drums. >> i play the drums in this. >> james: no way! >> yes, yes. >> james: you're shredding on the drums. you are. you-- that is what i have always said is that you are the female phil colins. >> oh my gosh. >> james: no, no, oh no. >> i've got a new-- . >> you are driefg, what do you say. >> james: i can hold it while you wipe down. >> i'm all right, i'm all right. >> james: no one is going to see it. (laughter) >> . >> james: you used to be. >> i have been drunk two nights in a row recently. >> james: no.
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the other day i went with my best friend, i'm not going to see him before christmas. i got there 7:45 and i'm sitting there, it's like-- where is he. normally punk actual, i call him, where are you, he said 8:45. so i'm sitting here for an hour on my own looking like such a loser. so i ordered a wine and then i have never glass of wine and i spot a family, i when over, a bit drunk. did you call my name, earlier? i had my security with me, sorry, being protechive, whatever. i did hear-- let me get a-- get your meal for you. an i had another glass of wine, and my friend arrived, hi two more glasses of wine, bear in mind i haven't had a drink in eight months. and the next day, in the park with my kid. and i find this e-mail address in my pocket of another family from nashville who obviously told me it was sold out so managed to get them tickets to
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>> what happens when i'm drunk. one more glass of wine. >> james: just like-- like-- guys,-- take me back to the start. never mind i'll find someone like you i wish nothing but the best for you don't forget me i beg you i remember you said sometimes it lasts in love and sometimes it hurts instead nothing compares no worries or cares regrets and mistakes they're memories made who would have known how bittersweet this was
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i'll find someone like you i wish nothing but the best for you don't forget me i beg i remember you said sometimes it lasts in love and sometimes it hurts instead (cheers and applause). >> james: what do you listen to in the car. >> i just put the radio on. i mean-- . >> james: but you used to be a huge-- fan. >> but the other day, it was a tape. >> james: no, you were genuine. >> a huge moment in my life when they came out. girl power, five ordinary girls who just, like, did so well and just got out o, i want to get out. i just want to get out, and it my life.
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>> on my own. with five girls but i used to do-- . >> james: who were you. >> i was always geri. >> james: really? left. >> james: she left the band. >> it was the first time i was truly heart brocken. >> james: when she left. >> yeah. >> james: is that what someone like you is about? really, really want tell me what you want what you really, really, really want want so tell me what you want what you really, really want i want a want a want a if you want pie future past if you want to get with me better make it fast now don't go wasting my precious time get your act together we can be just fine here is a story from a to z how to get to me listen carefully i'm in a place, you got to--
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tell me what you want [bleep] (laughter) if you want to be my lover >> james: you are from a different place now, a happier place. >> yeah. >> james: does it worry you you won't be able to write the hits. >> i was worried about that, for sure. and i-- part of, you know, i want-- i want my fans to come on like a journey with me. and it is one of the reasons i named my album after my age as well. it's sort of polaroids, almost, of my life at that time. >> james: i mean where do you think will you stop. my age. >> james: no. >> i believe in trippity. >> yeah. >> james: i want it to be (laughter). >> james: leave me alone. >> oh my god.
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>> james: just me and my cat. >> bag lady, aren't i. be like you do tell me who do i do give me within i know there is-- all i ask this is my life now with you hold me like-- give me a memory . >> really good take me by
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oh we do it matters yeah but if i never-- (cheers and applause). >> james: you properly hang out with like-- you know, you hang with beyonce. >> i wouldn't say hang out. >> james: but you are friends. >> we are very friendly when we see each other. >> james: but have you ever thought about getting your own squad like taylor swift has a squad. >> i have a squad, laura daniel. >> james: my hunch is if you put together a squad which was like you, beyonce, jennifer lawrence, she would bring amy schumer, and then like emma stone, taylor swift's squad
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>> but they're amazonian, i'm also tall. >> james: you got-- i heard a rumor, that you, this may be surprising some fans, are quite the rapper. you can spit some rhyme. >> i'm not that talented on me own. >> james: but you can spit some lyrics. you've got some rhymes in your locker. yeah wily wonka snroat you can be the king but the quen conquers first things first, i eat and that's what i [bleep] to do from the land the monster do the monster is you your money and the monster crew i'm alla all au up in the bang with
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really, i
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